
Archive for the ‘Pet loss’ Category

This would have to be one of the most appalling cases I have seen recently.

A Cincinnati police dog is reported to have died while locked in a hot vehicle.

Police say 13-year department member Brian Trotta inadvertently left the female German shepherd, Juno, in the car while responding to a family emergency. source

I am not sure what the family emergency was, obviously it was serious enough to entertain the officer in question for an extended time period.  No doubt the loss of his trusted companion only added to the woes of officer Trotta. But that does not help his dog any.

Perhaps it is unfortunate for officer Trotta that his case is going to be so high-profile, but if members of the police cannot set the example for the rest of society on animal welfare then there is something wrong. These are not only man’s best friend, they are highly trained members of the constabulary that the public has a vested interest in. To have them treated so poorly is a tragedy on many counts.

I am sorry constable Trotta but I see no acceptable excuse for allowing your partner to slowly cook to death in your vehicle.

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Casper the bus riding cat has been the tragic victim of a hit and run (source).

Many people around the world were amazed and taken by the antics of Casper the cat who was a regular on his local Plymouth bus service.

The local bus company, First Devon and Cornwall, used an image of Casper as advertising on one of their buses. Although devastated by the cat’s death they say they will not be removing his picture.  So Casper the bus riding cat will have his own cat memorial for some time to come.

Perhaps one of the greatest tragedies of the accident was the failure of the driver to stop and access the damage caused.

Is this a sign of the times – that the life of a cat has so little value to warrant stopping to see if it can be saved?

Do we care about, not only the cat, but the loving family sat at home waiting for their cat to return?

Perhaps our “civilized” society should pause to reflect on the lessons of the loss of our celebrity commuter – Casper the cat.

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Cuddly Pet Memorials

What do you think of the new craze sweeping the pet world – soft and cuddly pet urns?

With up to 70% of all pets being cremated many people are looking for better ways of interring their beloved pet. After all, having your pet in cold hard metal monument seems a little removed.

Patricia Moore lost Samatha the dog and decided to recreate the way we view pet urns.

soft hearted urns

No longer are they cold, hard, and often ugly urns.  Now they are cute, soft and practical.

The idea proved so popular with Patricia’s friends that they managed to persuade her to put  her “Soft-Hearted” pillows into production.And now you too have the option of keeping your pets close to your heart with the huggable urns.

Sleeping with your pets ashes has taken off with the “Soft-Hearted” brand of pillow.  The pillows are made from soft microfibre which are guaranteed to keep the ashes locked safely inside.

The pillows are able to accommodate the ashes of a pet of up to 150 pounds.  However, with larger animals some pet-lovers opt to just keep a portion of the pets remains in the pillow in order to minimize the Soft-Hearted pillow’s weight.

You can expect the pillow to feel soft, although it will have a firm “heart” that you may or may not feel depending on the size of your pet. The pillow itself is about 4 inches thick and 14 inches square.

So what do you think of the cuddly pet urns?

Are you in favour of keeping your pet much closer to your heart after it passes, or do you think this is just another crazy fad (one that the majority of pet lovers seem to be opting for) ?

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Respected Attorney And Political Consultant Admits Weakness

In our modern busy world of high powered executives and corporate climbers we do not expect to hear of men mourning the loss of a cat.

This is exactly the emotion that Michael Yaki, a man once senior aide to Speaker Nancy Pelosi and currently working as a political advisor, exposes on his latest blog entry.

Why should we be surprised that a formidable opponent in the court room has a soft spot for his family pets?

Perhaps it is because we live in a world where men do not cry without fear of exposing a weakness.  Maybe it is because grown-ups should know that animals only have a short lifespan and we should expect their deaths.  Or is that we don’t have time to stop and mourn every time an animal dies.

I congratulate someone as high profile as Michael Yaki who can publicly admit that his cat, Delos, had a special place in his heart and in passing Delos has left hole that will not easily be filled.

Delos - Sadly Missed

Delos - Sadly Missed

Pets are completely dependent on us for food and shelter, medicine and comfort. In exchange, they give far more in return than we could ever provide — unconditional love. And in our crazy, stressed out, burnt-out lives, that is something irreplaceable and, indeed, indispensable. Perhaps there is more to that civilization myth than meets the eye.

The rewards of keeping a pet are great.

The cost of loosing a pet is often underrated.

Only when more people are brave enough to share the impact their pet has had, and the pain their passing has caused, will it be socially acceptable to cry in public over the loss of a family pet.

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Portuguese Water Dog First Choice For First Dog

It seem the inside information from Michelle Obama we published earlier about the First Dog being a Portuguese Water Dog was correct.

The Obama family have indeed chosen a six-month old male Portuguese water dog.



The secret meetings between the Obama family and potential First Dog candidate “Bo” are finally over, with Bo expected to join the White House administration on Tuesday.

One election night promise due to be fulfilled – is this the beginning of many more election promises going to be fulfilled, or is this high point of President Obama’s career?   Time will no doubt tell.

In the meantime we wish Bo and the rest of the Obama family many happy years together.

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This kindly friend of mine who’s passed
Beyond the realm of day,
Beyond the realm of darkling night,
To unknown bourne away
Was one who deemed my humble home
A palace grand and fair;
Whose fullest joy it was to find
His comrade ever there.
Ah! He has gone from out my life
Like some dear dream I knew.
A man may own a hundred dogs,
But one he loves, and true.


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A rollicksome, frolicsome, rare old cock
As ever did nothing was our dog Jock;
A gleesome, fleasome, affectionate beast,
As slow at a fight as swift at a feast;
A wit among dogs, when his life ‘gan fail,
One couldn’t but see the old wag in his tail,
When his years grew long and his eyes grew dim,
And his course of bark could not strengthen him.
Never more now shall our knees be pressed
By his dear old chops in their slobbery rest,
Nor our mirth be stirred at his solemn looks,
As wise, and as dull, as divinity books.
Our old friend’s dead, but we all well know
He’s gone to the Kennels where the good dogs go,
Where the cooks be not, but the beef-bones be,
And his old head never need turn for a flea.

James Payn.

Close up of a Old Dog

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Dog Jack has gone on the silent trail,
Wherever that may be;
But well I know, when I whistle the call,
He will joyfully answer me.
That call will be when I, myself,
Have passed through the Gates of Gold;
He will come with a rush, and his soft brown eyes
Will glisten with love as of old.
Oh, Warder of Gates, in the far-away land,
This little black dog should you see,
Throw wide your doors that this faithful friend
May enter, and wait for me.


Puppy Love

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The Tale Of A Dead Guinea Pig

A recent article by Christy Oglesby of CNN tells of a mother who kept the death of her son’s guinea pig a secret to protect him from the grief while he was studying for exams.

When Christy discovered the stiff corpse of Checkers the guinea pig she found herself in the middle of a moral dilemma that almost turned into an episode of Laurel and Hardy.

Knowing full well that her son Drew would be devastated by the loss of the pet he “loved like a daughter,”  and knowing that he was facing five tests within the next two days, she decided to cover up the death for a couple of days.

The crafty cover-up plot was not without its difficulties. But with a lot of creative distractions and fast talking she managed to maintain the secret for two days until the tests were behind her son.

Of course the inevitable grief still came once the sad news was broken.  But Drew was able to express his grief without affecting his scholastic endeavours. And the reason for the delay in breaking the news to him was fully explained.

Some people would, and did, say that Christy crossed a line.  Are third grade tests more important that a young boys emotional health?  Of course then there is the other camp who agree, that dead guinea pig is a dead guinea pig and a couple of days delay in breaking the news won’t make any difference.

What do you think?  Did the mother act responsibly or did she inhibit her son’s social development?
Smooth Coat Guinea Pig

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When I call my terrier by his name,
Or join him at evening play;
His eyes will flash with a human flame
And he looks what he cannot say;
For the bond between us two
Is that between me and you!
Should a seraph sing in my ear tonight,
Or a sweet voiced angel come.
Would poor speech prove my soul’s delight,
Or ecstasy drive me dumb?
For the link ‘twixt them and me
Is long as Eternity.

Wide leagues our sentient forms divide
The loftier from the mean;
But soul to soul all planes are tied
When sympathy lies between;
And who shall say that the brute
Is soulless, though mean and mute?

George H. Nettle.
The Officer's Mess

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Vice President And Puppy

Vice President And Puppy

New Puppy For White House Runner Up.

President Obama has been over shadowed with the vice president choosing a dog first.

The puppy, a German shepherd, is not a “mutt,” but is a high society dog – as least as far as breeding goes.

Should the vice president-elect have rescued a pound dog as well?

Or has he shown great pet ownership discipline in choosing a dog that he will enjoy and that will be a companion for many years to come?

It is all very well to score political brownie points. But pet ownership is not something to be undertaken lightly.  I wish the Vice President-elect and his dog many years of joy.

Will the new President still choose a pound dog?

I think that is something he will have to decide.  It would be nice for a pound dog to be rescued.  But if it isn’t a match for the family everyone will be disappointed.

Don’t be pressured into get a pet this Christmas without fully considering what it will mean to your life, now, and in the future.

Discuss your options in NamaraPets Forum.

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Death Of A Dog Poem


On every side I see your trace;
Your water-trough’s scarce dry;
Your empty collar in its place
Provokes the heavy sigh.
And you were here two days ago.
There’s little changed, I see.
The sun is just as bright, but oh!
The difference to me!
The very print of your small pad
Is on the whitened stone.
Where, by what ways, or sad or glad,
Do you fare on alone?
Oh, little face, so merry-wise,
Brisk feet and eager bark!
The house is lonesome for your eyes,
My spirit somewhat dark.
Now, small, invinc’ble friend, your love
Is done, your fighting o’er,
No more your wandering feet will rove
Beyond your own house-door.
The cats that feared, their hearts are high,
The dogs that loved will gaze
Long, long ere you come passing by
With all your jovial ways.
Th’ accursed archer who has sent
His arrow all too true,
Would that his evil days were spent
Ere he took aim at you!
Your honest face, your winsome ways
Haunt me, dear little ghost,
And everywhere I see your trace,
Oh, well-beloved and lost!


A Dog at the Jefferson Memorial Tidal Basin, Washington, D.C., United States
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3 Reasons Obama Should Choose A Cat – Not a Dog.

1. Vote a cat for first pet choice.  Dogs already get more than their fair share of exposure.  We have glorified the dog for far too long.

If you think about the way dogs are portrayed it is always as the hero – Lassie, Rin Tin Tin, Old Yeller, Snoopy, Clifford.   But we portray cats in a much less noble light – Garfield (fat and lazy), Bowzer (the cat Mr Magoo thought was a dog), The mean cats in Lady and Tramp (Of course the two loveable dogs got top billing), even Cat Woman was a villain.

It is time for cats to be honoured instead of treated like inferior citizens.  And who better than Obama to bring about this change, a man who has broken many stereo types himself. A cat is the best pet choice.

2. Increasingly more cats are finding their way to animal shelters and shockingly only around 2% are returned to their owners according to the NCPPSP survey.  A much greater 15.8% of dogs make it home. A staggering 71% of cats entering shelters are euthanized according to the survey. This statistic needs turning around and the change needs to be made by examples set at the highest level. Bring about change President Obama and adopt a cat.

3. Cats are not treated equal when it comes to care.  The American Veterinary Medical Association released a survey indicating that more than a third of our cats are not treated to a health check, and the number is increasing.  The number of dogs that never get medical is attention is half that, and obviously this is because we place a higher value on the beloved dog.

Our purpose here is not to reduce the care dogs receive but to suggest it is time we increased the care available to our cats.  Because dogs are valued more the amount of money spent on dog health research is much greater, 3 times greater according the number of applications for grants from the Morris Animal Foundation.

A high profile champion of the cat cause is needed, and there can be no greater profile than that of the office of First Cat.  Make your petition to President Obama to lead from the front and adopt a cat today.  Why should he be pressured into getting a dog just because the previous Presidents had one.  The final reason has to be that we all know cats would make much cuter pictures for presidential photo shoots than dogs!

Summer and Fall Collection

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Does your dog have worms?

There are two types of worms that you are likely to have to contend with in keeping your dog healthy, and they are round worms and the tapeworms.

Round worms are the ones most prevalent in puppies and they generally look like small white pieces of string of about three inches in length.
They can grow up to twice this size in a full-grown dog.

Round worms live in the small intestine of the dog and can become so concentrated that they will block the passage.
They can be passed by the bowel and this can obviously affect other dogs that are in contact with dogs that have round worms.

It only takes a matter of days for the worms to become fully developed and it is easy for them to spread quickly from one dog to another.

The speed by which they can breed and multiply has been one of the reasons why many people originally assumed that puppies were always born with round worms although it has since been proven that this is not the case.

More often than not the puppies have got the worms from their mother in the confines of their kennel.

There are so many different symptoms that can appear when a dog has worms that anything you notice outside of the ordinary behavior of your pet should be addressed by a visit to your vet as a worm infested dog can become a very unhealthy, unhappy dog very fast.

Left untreated worms can kill a dog so it is better to be safe than sorry if you suspect your pet might have worms or have been in contact with other dogs that might have worms.

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How do you remember a loved dog after it dies in the modern age?

You create your own dog memorial video.

The following video is one of the best I have seen on the internet and I am sure this video clip will allow the memories of their beloved dog to live on forever.  A fitting tribute for a faithful friend.

Perhaps you can start creating your own videos now before your pet passes away.

Cherish the memories and preserve the past for future generations.

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Quaker Parrotquaker parrot Saves Baby From Choking.

Willie the parrot proves to worth his weight in gold when his watchful eye noticed 2 year-old Hannah choking. With no one else around Willie rushed to raise the alarm screaming and repeating “mama baby.”

Meagan the sitter was in the bathroom when her parrot Willie raised the alarm.  She had never heard him behave like that before and came running to see what was going on.

Hannah was starting to turn blue as she choked on her pop-tart. One Heimlich later and Hannah was safe.

Samantha Kuusk the mother of Hannah was very relieved and I am sure a little surprised to hear who the hero of the day was. The combination of a watchful and very smart Quaker Parrot and a baby sitter who knew how to respond saved Hannah’s life.  Meagan doubted she would have found Hannah in time had it not been for Willie as the child was already turning blue when Meagan responded to the alarm.

Teach your Quaker Parrot to talk today – you never know who’s life it may save.

teach your quaker parrot to talk

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Chinese Pet Food Is Killing Pets Across The Globe.

The same product (melamine) that proved lethal to babies in the milk powder saga has shown up in pet food. More than 50,000 babies in China were affected by Melamine poisioning and since 2007 a significant rise in kidney problems has surfaced in the USA.

Federico D. Pascual Jr. gives the following description of the effects of Melamine:

KIDNEY KILLED: The report said that the most important nutrient in milk is protein. Since melamine has the same protein that contains nitrogen — and looks the same and has no distinct smell — it is sometimes added to milk powder as extender.

Melamine is cheaper than milk so it lowers the cost of the end-product and boosts profits. The adulterated product is then used, knowingly or otherwise, by other businessmen manufacturing food items requiring milk.

When eaten, melamine forms into stones that get stuck in the tubes and spaces in the kidney, sometimes even in the urether. The person affected has a hard time urinating and the pain could be excruciating. With the blockade, the kidney swells.

Surgery is sometimes needed to remove the stones, but the damage to the kidney could be irreversible or give rise to complications. It could lead to death because of uremia.

Read the full story and find out how to receive a detailed report here.

You will also learn how to tell country of origin on items where it is not listed by reading the bar codes. For example bar codes that begin with the three digits 690 to and including codes that begin with 695, are produced in China.

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Starlings are not a particularly pretty bird, and they may be common to the point of being a pest, but they are also a great mimic.  With a little patience you can teach these birds to talk, and talk pretty well.

If it was good enough for Mozart to have a pet starling then why not you?

Often we pay exorbitant amounts of money to buy the latest in exotic pets when some of the most common animals in your back yard can make equally entertaining pets.  In times of economic crisis you can still entertain your children with great pets that don’t cost a fortune.

Do be aware that Starlings are a highly intelligent and inquisitive bird if you are planning to let your pet roam free around the house.

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Pit bull cross dog kills infant.

Little girl saved from fire by family dog.

Shaggy dog saves man from fire.

Just another day in the life of man’s best friend.

The first story and probably the one that will get the most press is about a family dog who kills an infant son.  The dog described as a “pit bull” was of mixed breed.  No doubt pit bull was singled out of the dog’s breeding because of the nature of the attack.  It may of course only look like a pit bull and not actually have any pit bull in it’s lineage?

The female dog that killed poor baby Iokepa Liptak also attacked the boys mother and another unnamed adult was also treated for wounds suffered during the dog’s rampage.

What causes a dog to attack?

Neighbors said the dog regularly barked at passers by.  It had spent 90% of its life in the kennel shown in this picture with 4 other dogs and had only recently been allowed to wander freely in the yard.

Is this killer a product of nature or nurture?

The next story is exactly the opposite.  A family pet dog saves the life of a baby girl.

The family were at home when a kitchen fire started. Jason Breiding did his best to contain the fire, but when it got out of hand he went outside to join his wife and family.

Unbeknown to Jason, Heather had only grabbed their 3 month old son and their one year old daughter Samara was still in the house.

The hero of the story is the pet dog who “grabbed the back of the diaper, put his teeth through the back of the diaper and didn’t even touch her, and pulled her into the living room,” said Jason.

Despite losing their home and all its contents the family are all safe and sound thanks to loved family dog.

Why would this dog risk its own life for a family when the previous dog turned killer?

The final story of the day is about another dog who rescues man from a fire.

Max, a big, black shaggy dog, is the hero of this story.  A fire engulfed the trailer that Max and the Snohomish County man lived in.  Max was able to wake the man and they both escaped to safety, although the man is in hospital being treated for smoke inhilation.  Another fire in the same community only days earlier had taken the life of four people.  This mans best friend certainly is his dog Max.

Saint Bernard Rescues a Boy from an Icy Death
Saint Bernard Rescues a Boy from an Icy Death

Giclee Print

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Framed Mounted

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Dog Saves Lion Cubs

A Golden Retriever breaks the mould and saves cats.  Not just any cats, but 3 new born white tiger cubs.

Sassy the white tiger gave birth two three female cubs before promptly abandoning them.  As luck would have it Isabella the Golden Retriever had just weaned her first litter of puppies, and she was only too happy take on the job of raising the cubs.

Zoo Owners the Harveys’ struck gold. This mirical story spread like fire and within five days the Harveys, Isabella and her three kittens were on the TODAY show.

This was an answer to a prayer as the Harveys had been boardering on closing the much loved zoo only days before.  The high cost of living and escalating fuel prices had all but dried up visitors to the zoo.

Now the visitors are returning to the zoo, a 20 year love affair for the Harveys, and a children’s book deal has just been signed about the dog who adopts tiger cubs.

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The best dog food is:

If you have a pet dog at your home then you know the kind of delight that fills your dog when you open a bag containing dog-food. However, not all such foods are good for your dog. Just as there are junk foods out there in the eateries that we like, which are not at all healthy, so many dog foods available these days are not healthy.

You do not have to compromise over your dear dog’s taste and palate. Several pet-foods are available with healthy ingredients. You just need to know how differentiate them from the other unhealthy foods. So, how do we search for the healthier foods for your dog? Let us see.

The first thing you need to remember is that there are some foodstuffs, which are very poor quality fillers. They do not give the required nutrition to your dog. Among them are meat by-products, corn, soy, etc. Most of the cheap dog foods are full of these things as their ingredients. Worse, many of these cheap foods use things like animal fat to make them tastier for your pet. It would all be fine only if your dog is able to digest them well. However, dogs cannot properly process any sort of cooked fat. Naturally, they are not good for your pet.

Before you decide on the right kind of food for your dog, make a point of knowing the important and essential ingredients for dog foods. Quinoa, brown rice, barley, and oatmeal are among the healthy ingredients for your pet’s food. They help in digestion and provide wholesome nourishment to your dog. Also look for some direct animal protein as the top ingredients for your dog’s food. Mix them well with a good range of vegetables to give your dog the most desired food. These are just some of the basic things you need to remember before buy for your much-adored dog, the best available food products.

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Music, when soft voices die,
Vibrates in the memory.
Odours, when sweet violets sicken,
Live within the sense they quicken.

Rose leaves, when the rose is dead,
Are heaped for the beloved’s bed;
And so thy thoughts, when thou art gone,
Love itself shall slumber on.

Percy Bysshe Shelley.


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When We Two Parted

When we two parted

In silence and tears,

Half broken-hearted,

To sever for years,

Pale grew thy cheek and cold,

Colder thy kiss;

Truly that hour foretold

Sorrow to this!

The dew of the morning

Sunk chill on my brow;

It felt like the warning

Of what I feel now.

The vows are all broken,

And light is thy fame:

I hear thy name spoken

And share in its shame.

They name thee before me,

A knell to mine ear;

A shudder comes o’er me –

Why wert thou so dear?

They know not I knew thee

Who knew thee too well:

Long, long shall I rue thee

Too deeply to tell.

In secret we met:

In silence I grieve

That thy heart could forget,

Thy spirit deceive.

If I should meet thee

After long years,

How should I greet thee?

With silence and tears.

By Lord Byron


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Namara Pets is about to launch a new pet community site and we need your help.

If you would like to join our unbelievably friendly community and Beta Test the site for us – you will be entitled to join at the remarkable low price of FREE. Not only that – you will get LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP for the same remarkable low price – FREE.

All we want in return is your opinion –

What does our site need – We will build it for you.
How can we gear our site to help you – We will do it.
If you were building a site for your friends what would you do – Tell us and it will be done.

Join today – and help us help you.

We don’t want to make the mistakes of those who have gone before us – we want to build the site YOU want .. not the site we think you want.

Come Join The Fun

Come And Join The Fun Today

Feed Shark

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Thou wast all that to me, love,

For which my soul did pine-

A green isle in the sea, love,

A fountain and a shrine,

All wreathed with fairy fruits and flowers,

And all the flowers were mine.

Ah, dream too bright to last!

Ah, starry Hope! that didst arise

But to be overcast!

A voice from out the Future cries,

“On! on!”- but o’er the Past

(Dim gulf!) my spirit hovering lies

Mute, motionless, aghast!

For, alas! alas! me

The light of Life is o’er!

“No more- no more- no more-”

(Such language holds the solemn sea

To the sands upon the shore)

Shall bloom the thunder-blasted tree

Or the stricken eagle soar!

And all my days are trances,

And all my nightly dreams

Are where thy grey eye glances,

And where thy footstep gleams-

In what ethereal dances,

By what eternal streams.

Edgar Allan Poe

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