
Posts Tagged ‘puppy’

Vice President And Puppy

Vice President And Puppy

New Puppy For White House Runner Up.

President Obama has been over shadowed with the vice president choosing a dog first.

The puppy, a German shepherd, is not a “mutt,” but is a high society dog – as least as far as breeding goes.

Should the vice president-elect have rescued a pound dog as well?

Or has he shown great pet ownership discipline in choosing a dog that he will enjoy and that will be a companion for many years to come?

It is all very well to score political brownie points. But pet ownership is not something to be undertaken lightly.  I wish the Vice President-elect and his dog many years of joy.

Will the new President still choose a pound dog?

I think that is something he will have to decide.  It would be nice for a pound dog to be rescued.  But if it isn’t a match for the family everyone will be disappointed.

Don’t be pressured into get a pet this Christmas without fully considering what it will mean to your life, now, and in the future.

Discuss your options in NamaraPets Forum.

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Yes Cats And Dogs Can Play Nice

Despite the saying “fighting like cats and dogs” it is possible to have a cat and a dog that are best of friends.  It helps if they are raised together, but it is not essential.  Dogs generally take their code of conduct from humans, so if you like cats there is a good chance your dog can be educated to like them as well.

One of the problems to overcome between cats and dogs is the different language or cultural norm that exists in the different animal kingdoms.  When a dog wags it’s tail it is indicating that it is happy and inviting a play, but the instincts of a cat suggest that a wagging tail signals anger or a ready to pounce attitude.

If a cat raises its paw it is time back off or be swatted, but to a dog that means play time.  Equally, when a cat lays on its back it is in attack mode, where as to a dog this is a submissive pose.  These differences can be overcome as they learn each others language, but can cause initial surprise reactions.  And guidance is required during this time of getting acquainted.

Never leave your kitten alone with a dog unsupervised.  Even with friendly play accidents can happen.  Initially you will want to keep any dog on a leash when it is being introduced to your cat.  It is best if the dog has had some obedience training and will respond to your commands.  Always keep other safety measures, such as a water supply, on hand to distract an enthusiastic dog.

Where possible introduce dogs to cats as puppies.  There is less risk of the cat being overpowered by a puppy and a puppy hasn’t yet learnt to chase cats.  It is a good idea to introduce them with a barrier like a child’s gate, or fence between the two for the first meeting. A certain amount of freedom for self education would be preferable to the owner hovering ready to pounce at the slightest spit, as long as they both have an escape route.

It shouldn’t be long before they become friends and may even share a bed.

Real Pals

Real Pals

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Pictures, descriptions, and symptoms of some of the most common worms your cat or dog is likely to have.


Roundworms affect nearly all puppies and kittens.  The worms are passed to the young animals through the mothers milk.  Cats and Dogs pick up the worms by ingesting contaminated soil, insects, or infected animals.

round worm

If your kitten or puppy has a severe case of Roundworms they may have appear pot-bellied and have a dull coat. They may also have diarrhoea,  they may cough and lose their appetite.  It is also possible to see mucus in their stool, or even worms in the stool or vomit.

It is normally recommended that all kittens and puppies are given a worm dose.


Probably the most common of worms found in cats or dogs is the Tapeworm. Especially in areas where there is a high flea population.

The Tapeworm requires the flea as an intermediate host.  Cats and dogs ingest infected fleas while grooming giving the worm a free ride into its primary host.

Tapeworms are made up of a chain of small segments, each containing hundreds of eggs.  These segments break away when mature and are passed out of the host in stools.

The Tapeworm itself can grow up to a foot in length and can be detected when the segments are found in a litter box, in the fur around your pets anal area, or in their bed.  The segments look like dried rice.  Large infestations cause diarrhoea, possibly blood, and cause a partial blockage.  If you are treating your pet for fleas it is best to also treat for Tapeworm.


The Hookworm is a more serious case.  A Hookworm infection can cause severe anaemia.  Look for signs such as diarrhoea, weight loss, vomiting, unrest, and a lack of energy.  In very young kittens the worms can cause a sudden collapse and death.

The tiny worms are not visible in the stool and can only be identified by a microscopic examination.  The animals are infected by consuming  eggs found in faeces or by the worm larvae penetrating the skin.  They can be treated as with the other worms.


Heatworms are a blood parasite transmitted by mosquitoes. The mosquitoes transfer baby worms when they bite. (picture of worms to ugly to include- click the mosquito to see heartworms)

More common in dogs but heartwoms also infect cats.  Called heartworms because they travel through the body until they reach the heart where they mature and shed microfilaria into the blood stream.

A severely infected animal will suffer from reduced blood circulation and heart function. Cats will often show little sign (any sign is likely to be intermittent vomiting) until they collapse and die.

For cats to become infected they must live in an area where there are microfilariae infected dogs, and mosquitoes that have a taste for both dogs and cats.  Heartworms will require a specific treatment.

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Do not stand at my grave and weep,
I am not there, I do not sleep.
I am in a thousand winds that blow,
I am the softly falling snow.
I am the gentle showers of rain,
I am the fields of ripening grain.
I am in the morning hush,
I am in the graceful rush
Of beautiful birds in circling flight,
I am the starshine of the night.
I am in the flowers that bloom,
I am in a quiet room.
I am in the birds that sing,
I am in each lovely thing.
Do not stand at my grave and cry,
I am not there. I do not die.

Mary Elizabeth Frye (1904-2004)

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Stopping your dog from chewing everything in sight.

It is only natural for dogs to want to chew.
It is a natural instinct, but they need to be trained what they can and can’t chew without causing problems.
While they might feel the need to sharpen their teeth you certainly don’t want them to be doing that on your furniture.

It is a lot cheaper to invest some money in suitable toys that the dog can chew or get their teeth cleaned professionally than to replace expensive household items.

The simplest method of training a dog not to chew everything in sight is to confine it to a small area where only those things that it should be allowed to chew are present.

The dog will then become accustomed to the smell of those things that it is allowed to chew and then when it is allowed out into the household where other items are present you can teach it not to chew items such as furniture, shoes, clothing, etc.

It is also possible to teach an old dog not to chew items by using the same techniques although it is harder if it has been doing this for many years of its life.

It is always preferable to teach your dog the lessons they need to know as soon as possible as training gets harder with the age of the dog.

If the dog is going to be left inside for extended periods while you’re not around it is wise to remove any items that you don’t want it to chew until it is fully trained.
Until that time, the dog should be content with suitable chewing toys.

Earth Friendly Pet Training Stop Chewing Aid for Dogs and Cats
Stop Dog Chewing

All Natural Stop Chewing

Doc Ackerman’s Herbal Excessive Chewing Formula for Dogs and Cats

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Bored Puppy

Dogs are a lot like children.
They need stimulation or they will get bored and we all know the trouble children can be when they get bored (if you don’t then you can borrow mine!).

The happiest dogs are often the working dogs as they not only have a purpose in life but they also get the praise and regular attention of their owners.

Even simply getting your dog some toys of it’s own to play with can add a lot of fun and happiness to it’s life, but more importantly getting the dog involved in family activities will have a positive effect on it’s mental state and happiness.

Dogs love to be taken for walks or a run along the beach.
They get to look at a different environment and interact with strangers and other dogs.

This social interaction is very important for the overall well being of your dog and it is something that needs to be done on a regular basis.

One of the benefits of dog training schools is the fact that your dog will get to interact with other dogs, however training your dog at home also has it’s benefits as you will be learning each others personalities when working closely together and your dog will still get the opportunity to socialize with other dogs when you take it for walks in the park and similar activities.

Any time spent with your dog, whether it is training or just enjoying playtime, is great for building a long and happy relationship.

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